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Different Types of Acne Scars

Acne Scarring: Classification and Treatment Approaches

Acne vulgaris, commonly referred to as acne, is a widespread skin condition affecting individuals of all ages. While acne itself is often treatable, it can leave behind blemishes in the form of scars. These scars can be a source of aesthetic concern for many patients.

Classification of Acne Scars
Acne scars can be broadly categorized into Atrophic Scars and Hypertrophic/Keloidal Scars:

Atrophic scars: These are depressed or pitted scars that develop due to a loss of underlying tissue. They are the most prevalent type of acne scar and can be further subclassified into three distinct subtypes:
– Ice pick scars: Narrow, deep, and V-shaped with sharp edges.
– Boxcar scars: Wider than ice pick scars, with well-defined margins and a rounded or oval shape.
– Rolling scars: These appear as uneven depressions with sloping edges that may partially smooth out when the skin is stretched.

Hypertrophic/Keloid scars: These are raised scars that result from an overproduction of collagen during the wound healing process. Keloid scars are a more severe form, extending beyond the original boundaries of the healed acne lesion.

Treatment Approaches for Acne Scars
The optimal treatment strategy for acne scars depends on several factors, including the type, severity, and individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. Dr. Parth Patel can conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the most suitable approach. Here’s a summary of common treatment modalities:

– Chemical Peels: Superficial or medium-depth chemical peels utilize controlled application of specific agents to remove the outermost layers of skin. This promotes new cell growth and can improve the appearance of shallower scars.
– Dermabrasion: A more ablative technique compared to chemical peels, dermabrasion employs physical removal of the uppermost layer of the skin.
– Laser therapy: CO2 Ablative Lasers and Fraxel® Non-Ablative Lasers can be used to stimulate collagen production for fresh, healthier, skin.
– Subcision: a minor surgical procedure that involves a needle-like tool to treat depressed cutaneous scars and wrinkles.
– Fillers: Injectable fillers can be strategically placed to elevate depressed scars and create a smoother skin surface.
– Corticosteroid injections: The direct injection of corticosteroids into hypertrophic/keloidal scar tissue can help to soften and flatten raised scars.
– Surgical excision: In some cases, surgical removal of the scar tissue might be an option.

It is important to understand that acne scar treatments are not always curative. However, they can significantly improve the appearance, texture, and overall aesthetics of the scars.

Schedule a consultation today to see how we can help you!

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