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How do I know if I have Rosacea?

You may suffer from rosacea and not even be aware of it. Rosacea is often mistaken for the natural ruddiness of the face. Yet it’s more persistent. This condition occurs typically when the blood vessels in your face swell. As a result, you have large patches of red areas on your face. Sometimes they can even form pus-filled bumps. For many people, this condition can leave them feeling embarrassed over how their skin looks. To ensure you receive the right rosacea treatments, you need to come to Penn Dermatology Specialists. We have several treatment options that can bring you relief. Here’s what you need to know about our rosacea treatments.

To help you determine if you suffer from this condition, here are some symptoms:

  • Facial redness
  • Swollen bumps
  • Dry eyes
  • Enlarged nose

What is the cause behind Rosacea?

There are a few causes behind flare-ups. Some of it may due to diets like eating spicy food or alcohol. Sometimes severe temperatures are to blame. If you take blood pressure medication, then you may also notice that it causes the condition to form.

To give you the best treatment, we’ll first examine your eating habits and lifestyle. This will help us determine the best way to treat your particular case. We don’t believe that a single treatment is good for everyone. Instead, we take our time with our patients and tailor our services to their needs.

This personal approach is something we at PS Dermatology & Surgery take pride in.

Rosacea is a unique skin condition which can present in a variety of ways across a broad spectrum of the population. When most people think of ‘rosacea’, they picture the classic appearance of diffuse flushing throughout the central face. However, many will also experience acne-like breakouts, either alone or in combination with flushing. Affected areas are also far from limited to the typical locations of the forehead, nose and cheeks. In fact, the chin, ears, neck, scalp, or even the eyes can be affected (known as ocular rosacea).

The underlying cause remains a mystery. The reality is that rosacea is likely caused by different things in different people.

These are some contributing factors:


Rosacea is much more common in those of northern or eastern European ancestry.


Topical and systemic antibiotics remain the most common treatment for rosacea, though the exact mechanism of action remains uncertain. For some patients, treatment of bacteria within the stomach can significantly improve rosacea (though for others it may provide little benefit).


Rosacea can be triggered by foods, drinks or other conditions which encourage flushing. These may include heat, alcohol, spicy foods, or aggressive/abrasive cleansing.


It’s unpleasant to think about, but there is a microscopic mite which naturally lives within the follicles of nearly everyone’s skin. For some patients with rosacea, treatment of Demodex can provide significant improvement

Treatment of rosacea should always first begin with avoidance of known flushing triggers including those mentioned above. All other treatments involve the use of medications or procedures. Since each person’s situation is unique, your dermatologist will formulate a treatment plan based on your specific needs.

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