What is a foot corn / callus?
A corn/callus is a thickened and hardened area of skin that forms in response to repeated friction, pressure or other types of irritation. Calluses are typically found on repeated pressure points on the foot, and can be caused by activities such as manual labor, weightlifting, or a certain foot type. They are also common in people who wear tight or poorly fitting shoes.
Calluses are formed when the body tries to protect the underlying skin from further damage by producing an extra layer of skin cells. The result is a tough, often yellow or grayish patch of skin that can be painful if pressed or rubbed. While calluses are generally harmless, they can be unsightly or uncomfortable, and may need to be treated if they become infected or cause significant discomfort. Treatment options for calluses include using special pads or inserts to cushion the affected area, wearing properly fitted shoes, and paring down the area by your podiatrist. Come in for an evaluation to ensure your calluses are professionally taken care, especially those with diabetes and peripheral vascular disease should routinely visit their podiatrist for foot checks.